Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 163 - Happy Anniversary to my Expander!

Happy February all (only one more month of winter!....unless you're following me from the Southern Hemisphere)!

Just thought I'd take the opportunity to acknowledge that I've now been living with an expander (not "the" expander as they were forced to switch expanders at one point during my expansion since my jaw was initially so narrow) glue to my upper jaw for a FULL YEAR!

The first day I had it in my mouth was interesting. I had a very difficult time saying a lot of words, especially those with a sound rhyming with the letter "e". I think my tongue would keep getting caught on the back of the expander which is why I had so much difficulty. This next part's gross, but also the first couple of weeks produced a lot of saliva! I don't really have a good explanation for this one, but there was a lot. But both of those quickly went away. Talking became like normal again and the saliva situation was under control! Eating without getting crap caught all in the expander is STILL difficult to avoid, and it is still occassionally uncomfortable (not in a painful way though!), but you know what? I am completely used to it now....which is going to make its removal so much sweeter!

I have an appointment next week to get sized up for a removable retainer thing that I can take out when I eat. I think they want me to have the retainer to ensure that the relapse is minimal. It has been nearly 8 months now since expansion has stopped and almost 10 months since the surgery itself, so it's probably ready to come out, but again, the expansion was so severe that they want to make sure...and I don't blame them!

Anyway, I will update everyone on the appointment once I have the chance. Take care!

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