Sunday, July 26, 2009

Beginning and End of Expansion

After a SARPE surgery, 4 wisdom teeth removed, 2 bottom 4's removed, 67 activations totalling 16.75mm (almost 0.75 inches!), and 3 weeks of post-expansion migration of teeth, this is what my upper jaw looks like compared with the night before the operation. I'm showing pictures of the roof of my mouth, and of my teeth straight on. The beginning pictures were taken on April 22nd while the others were taken July 25th - just over 3 months later.

You'll notice that the expansion has caused "more teeth" to be visible in the straight-on shot. This is because my teeth basically went straight back. Now they take a much more rounded arch shape as is apparent in the second set of photos. It still amazes me to look at these pictures and think that it's ONLY BEEN THREE MONTHS!!! I guess that's why the R in SARPE stands for Rapid. Keep in mind too that the majority of SARPE patients would not require nearly the same amount of expansion, so the average patient would be done much sooner than three months!

If you were wondering, and I have mentioned this before, the upper jaw is 50% bigger than it was when we started (the upper 4's were initially separated by 29mm, they are now at 43mm).

Migration of the teeth will continue now until September when the braces go on.


  1. I cant believe how much of a difference the expansion has made to your face and smile. When do you get your braces on? I get mine in less than 5 weeks now, yay!

  2. wow, that an amazing difference!! and the gap aint to big at all!!

    ive just about to start on my sarpe experience

    i love reading blogs, it makes me feel a lot better
