Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 987 - 27 Days Post-Op

It's been 27 days?!? They're going by fast now!

I woke up this morning thinking about how I was one month ago today. In short - I was a wreck! The surgery was only three days away, I was scrambling around at work to finish stuff up, and I was nervous about what I was about to go through. Very nervous.

But, here I am a month later, a month later and feeling better and better each day. I'm pretty much eating everything now - even things that require a SMALL amount of chewing (i.e. last night I had a hamburger for the first time.....no bun obviously!.....the hamburger meat falls apart easily enough with some light chewing, so it was all good!). There is still a good amount of swelling inside the mouth, but I don't think the swelling is noticable any longer to an outsider. The numbness is still there - I've accepted the fact it will probably be like that for a few more months at least.

The one new thing I've noticed is a little discomfort in my left cheek when I bite into the splint. I'm going to ask about this the next time I go in for an appointment, but I'm speculating that I'm feeling this discomfort because I'm working some muscles in that cheek that simply have never been worked before! The left side of the jaw - as you know from my pre-op photos - has never been functional, and now all of a sudden it is theoretically perfectly functional.....so the muscles that control my bite are getting a workout they have never had before. Again, this is just me speculating! As long as it's nothing seriously WRONG with me, I'm sure it's fine whatever it is!

Nothing much else to report on. I do not see the surgeon again until next Wednesday. And the Wednesday after that is the day the splint is removed! Needless to say that I am looking forward to this!

I'm sorry about the pics.  I will get these online very shortly.

Take care all,


  1. Hope all is going well with you! Did you get your dreaded splint out yet?

  2. Hi paul good you please put up some post op pics thanks.
